Friday, August 7, 2009

King Diamond-The Eye

As with most King Diamond albums this album features a storyline. Its about a necklace called 'The Eye', of which when looked straight into takes you back to see everything the eye has seen. It talks about the Torture of Jeanne Dibbasson and her execution, followed by a story about Madeleine, who joins a convent, and is seduced by Father David, whom dies the next day. Father Picard arrives and rapes some of the nuns and has them participate in rituals, by which they all slowly go insane. The album is filled with great guitar solos - one of which features the devil himself, drum fills, and memorable riffs and keyboard melodies.
The lyrics, as usual by the King, are superb. They perfectly tell the story and imply all the gruesome details whilst still leaving space for your imagination, especially in The Meetings, within the last verse. The Vocals are a love hate thing, although as usual, King has only improved with how high he can go, and can use a range of different tones. The biggest difference between the vocals in this album compared to Them or Abigail, is how much softer and less peircing the vocals sound, there truly perfect.

01 - Eye Of The Witch
02 - The Trial
03 - Burn
04 - Two Little Girls
05 - Into The Convert
06 - Father Picard
07 - Behind These Walls
08 - The Meetings
09 - Insanity
10 - 1642 Imprisonment
11 - The Curse

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